Read the blurbs here. Authors C-D

 This might help you decide which book(s) you might get for yourself - or as a gift to another book lover - when you visit the Book Fair on April26th.

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C.P. Daly

Doug Dolan

Joanne Daggett

Nicole Duguay-Mazerolle

Marti Ross and her best friends couldn’t believe their luck when they scored tickets to the hottest concert of the summer. They talked of nothing else. What should have been the best night of their lives changed their futures and their friendship forever. Twelve years later, a family tragedy occurs that brings Marti home. It was time to find out what happened that fateful night of the concert. The truth had to come out, and Marti had nothing left to lose.

CP Daly


The Mill follows four generations of the Burchill Family from 1840 through the 1970’s. Young
George, his siblings and parents, sail from Ireland, up the Miramichi River to start a new life. At six years old, he sees only possibilities. In his lifetime of grit and determination he makes them real.
John Percival, his son, becomes the youngest person elected to the provincial legislature. Later in life, he displays his keen negotiation skills as other mills collapse along the river.

George Percival, the heir to a derelict mill, emerges as the risk tolerant, persistent industrialist who struggles to keep the lumber industry alive during a decades long depression. A successful businessman with an outgoing personality, he never forgets his roots and the community around him.

John inherits his father’s irrepressible optimism. His secure childhood allows the seeds of curiosity, and innovativeness to germinate. He emerges as the man who creates a new era in forestry for Eastern North America.
The workers at the Burchill mills integrated their home - grown skills to keep the plants working.
The employers and employees kept a struggling enterprise alive for over 130 years. This story captures the characters, many of them colorful, who made it happen.

Doug Dolan


Do you ever wonder how you ended up standing in the middle of your story?
Are there days you wish you could have a re-write, a do-over, another chance to choose a different path ?
Does it sometimes seem so dark and formidable that you wonder if you will ever make your way back to the light ?
You are not alone.
I have felt that many times in my life too.

On the day our son was born, my 24-year-old husband was killed in a car accident on his way to see us in the hospital. At only nineteen, I became a mother and a widow and was left limping in the valley of a broken dream.

Years later, I braced myself against the oncoming tornado that was my life-the loss of my parents, my second husband’s chronic illness, a flailing business, and a child wandering on a prodigal’s pathway. And now, while trying to navigate a path strewn with grief and fear, I watch my grown child struggle with addiction, crisis, and even incarceration.

Though darkness tries to win, His light has shone through the crevices and wounds of my sometimes broken heart. My child-like faith has grown and strengthened as I stand in a posture of surrender and worship, even in the valley of the shadows. On a path marked with unknown and uncertainty, I know I can’t go back, I can only walk forward with my hand in His, my Father, the Beautiful One.

He shines His light on me as I Sing, Dance, and Pray. Will you join me?

Joanne Daggett


Passionate about motocross, 8-year-old Yanik invites his grandmother to watch him compete in his first championship at Riverglade, New Brunswick.
His grandmother has no idea what goes on in such a competition. She goes, delighted to see her grandson. During the weekend, she goes from surprise to surprise. She's even inventing new vocabulary to describe some of them... Here she tells us about her experience at Riverglade - quite an experience! How will Yanik manage, and what will he experience during this championship? It's up to you to find out!

Passionné de motocross, Yanik, huit ans, invite sa grand-mère à aller le voir participer à son premier championnat,à Riverglade au Nouveau-Brunswick.
Sa grand-mère n’a aucune idée du déroulement d’une telle compétition. Elle y va, toute contente de voir son petit-fils. Durant la fin de semaine, elle va de surprise en surprise. Celui-ci lui fait vivre des émotions de toutes sortes. Elle inventera même un nouveau vocabulaire pour en décrire certaines... Elle nous raconte ici son expérience à Riverglade. Toute une expérience!! Comment se débrouillera Yanik? Que vivra-t-il pendant ce championnat? À vous de le découvrir!

* A bilingual book

Nicole Duguay-Mazerolle.


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