Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Welcome to our Webpage

Hello fellow readers and visitors.
The 3rd Annual GMRD Book Fair is coming in April, 2025.

We've added something fun since you've been her last.
Now you can read the blurb for some of the books available
at the Book Fair.
Authors A-D. Go HERE.
Authors E-H. Go HERE.
Authors I-L. Go HERE.
Authors M-T. Go HERE.

One of the biggest book events of the year.

 45 authors will be in attendance.
Many of them award-winning!
April 26th 
10 AM - 3 PM

Riverview Lions Center
701 Coverdale Road
Riverview, NB

Please visit here occasionally for updates. 
While you are here, check out the sidebars for the authors who will be participating this year. 
The list grows daily, so don't forget to return and check out who else will be bringing their stories.

Whatever your reading tastes are, you will be sure to discover treasures amongst stories told by authors from Atlantic Canada in all genres.

Proceeds from the future Book Fairs will go to support 
Read NB.

Where people learn to read! 


Photos from previous Book Fairs.

Author Odette Barr

Authors Martha Vowles & Yolande Essiembre

Authors Angella Cormier & Joe Powers & Pierre Arseneault


Join us at the Book Paradise.

Talented authors you will meet at the Book Fair this April.



  1. I've been through the list of authors who will be available to sign copies of their works. A formidable group. This is the place for readers, fans, and people curious about genres within and outside their comfort level!

    1. I agree this is the place to be if you are a reader. Thanks for the nice comment.

  2. Doing this the same weekend as the Frye Festival is a cheap shot

    1. Your remark is unkind. It was planned intentionally to coincide and compliment the Frye Festival when there were many readers in town. It was presented to the Frye management and there were no issues because we made the hours long so there would be no conflict of events.

  3. Hi there, I am a local author and would love to know how I can participate in this and future events. Thanks ❤️

    1. Send an email to gmrdbookfair@gmail.com and I will make a note to keep you informed.

  4. Hi there, I am a local author as well and would love the opportunity to participate in this and other future events if possible. Who would I contact for sign up? Thanks

    1. Sorry I wasn't able to respond before but this year we were full. Send an email to gmrdbookfair@gmail.com and I will make a note to keep you informed for next year.

  5. Hello so amazing
